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Abdominal, tumour and robotic surgery

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Experts in abdominal surgery

Committed abdominal specialists

The vivévis team is brought together by its focus on abdominal surgery. We specialised in this specific area from university onwards. Thanks to our many years of experience, we have acquired in-depth specialist knowledge and have become experts in our field. As a result, we can offer your patients the best possible treatment in the entire field of abdominal surgery, based on current scientific guidelines and supplemented by innovative robot-assisted surgery.

Our range of services

Minimally invasive robotic surgery

A wider range of options with the latest technology

The use of robot-assisted surgery allows us to perform highly complex, minimally invasive procedures across the entire spectrum of abdominal surgery. Areas that are anatomically difficult to access can be reached easily. Intra-abdominal anastomoses and vascular reconstructions can be performed with a high level of precision. Robotic systems support surgeons by enabling 540° rotational movements, eliminating tremors and providing 3D visualisations – for the benefit of patients.

Find out more

Trust is the basis for healing

If you have any questions or concerns, our experts in abdominal surgery will be happy to advise you.
